Aptamil 1 Comfort 900Gm

AED 115.50

Aptamil 1 Comfort is an infant formula specifically designed for babies who experience colic, constipation, or digestive discomfort. However, please note that as an AI language model, I don’t have real-time access to product information or pricing. My knowledge was last updated in September 2021, and I may not have specific details about the availability or pricing of Aptamil 1 Comfort in a 400g package.

Here is a general description of Aptamil 1 Comfort:

  1. Purpose: Aptamil 1 Comfort is formulated to provide relief for babies who have difficulties with digestion, such as colic, constipation, or excessive gas. It is designed to be gentle on the baby’s digestive system and help ease discomfort.
  2. Ingredients: Aptamil 1 Comfort typically contains a blend of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The specific ingredients may vary depending on the country or region.
  3. Nutritional composition: Aptamil 1 Comfort is designed to provide balanced nutrition for infants while also addressing digestive issues. It may contain ingredients such as partially hydrolyzed proteins, prebiotics, and a special blend of carbohydrates to support easier digestion.
  4. Age appropriateness: Aptamil 1 Comfort is suitable for newborns and infants up to 6 months of age. It is not intended for older babies or toddlers.
  5. Usage instructions: The packaging of Aptamil 1 Comfort should include detailed instructions on how to prepare and use the formula. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure proper preparation and hygiene.


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