Sports Oxyshot Liquid 250 mL

AED 252.00

Sports Oxyshot is a New Generation Oxygen Supplement. Its unique bio-electrical manufacturing process makes the oxygen stable in the solution. Sports Oxyshot is a liquid oxygenated saline water supplement that provides extra oxygen to the body. For sportspeople, plentiful oxygen is vital for optimizing energy, stamina, strength, and in assisting the recovery process. Sports Oxyshot is a world breakthrough – the most potent liquid oxygen supplement available, containing at least 15% oxygen at manufacture. It is made in Australia, contains all-natural ingredients and is very safe to use.

  • Contains no banned substances
  • Certified by the Australian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory
  • Non-toxic
  • PH balanced
  • Help to Increase oxygen, reduce lactic acid and carbon dioxide levels in the blood

How To Use

  • Recommended For Rest Day – Take 10mL first thing in the morning and 10mL at night directly before bedtime
  • Recommended For Recovery – Immediately after training, competition or performance take a minimum of 10mL


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